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The Pearly Goat Soapery

Solid Dish Soap Brushes - Short Handel or Long Handel

Solid Dish Soap Brushes - Short Handel or Long Handel

Regular price $5.00 USD
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Brushes for use with your Zero Waste Solid dish soap. Never touch a sponge again!

The knob handle brush fits conveniently atop your soap.

The long handle brush if that's your preference or try both.

After you use your soap you’ll only need to purchase the refills.

I tried this and the stain stick at my daughters more than a year ago and have used and sold them since. Turns out they make a great stocking stuffer idea! 

I made the stain stick initially with all goat milk, I was sold.

I was really surprised how much I enjoyed the dish soap, NO MORE SPONGES! For so many reasons. I just found time to make these. They have cured for well over 3 weeks.
I believe you will enjoy the switch.

Directions: Wet scrub brush with water and rub into the solid dish soap. Using circular motions to create as much lather as you want on your brush and start washing!



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